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APUSH Research Paper

Resource guide for the APUSH research paper.

Background Reading


General Reference

Subject Reference

  Calarco Library Catalog

Limit your search results to reference books. Go to COLLECTION on the left-hand side and select REFERENCE.

Dewey Classification 

  • 000-099: General Works
  • 100-199: Philosophy and Psychology
  • 200-299: Religion
  • 300-399: Social Sciences (Political Science, Economics, Military, etc.)
  • 400-499: Language
  • 500-599: Science and Math
  • 600-699: Technology (Medicine, Engineering, etc.)
  • 700-799: Arts and Recreation (Art, Architecture, Film, etc.)
  • 800-899: Literature
  • 900-999: History and Geography

Focus Your Ideas

  • Time period - era, age, date
  • Geographic location - country, empire, region         
  • Affected Population - age, race, gender, nationality, religious sect 
  • Specific Event - war, battle, treaty, law, document
  • Point of View - cultural, political, military, social, artistic, technological
  • Compare and contrast - ideas, important events, policies, outcomes
  • Cause and effect of an event, war, political movement, document
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